Are you a spiritual life who’s deeply concerned with the state of spirituality in our world and moved by contributing to healing the heart of our Humanity?

THE SPIRITUAL TRUST serves as a Collaborative CENTER Of LIVING energies On Mission Strengthening The Spiritual Forces Shaping The Foundations, Frontiers AND Future Of Our WOrld

We’re moved by enlivening personal, societal and universal spirituality as a way of being

through works of spiritual trusteeship, ecology, research, education & culture

“spirituality is our living energy of collaborative beingness that vibrates in the direction of wellbeing for the whole”



Who are we in this moment?

What gives us meaning, connection and joy?

What are we part of as individuals, as a Humanity and a world community?

How are we most called to be contributing to the wellbeing of our world?

Where are we now and what are we envisioning for our future?

These questions form the foundation of our mission of enlivening personal, societal and universal spirituality as a way of being.

We believe our Humanity is at a threshold of entering into a next chapter and era of a more liberated, enlivening spirituality…

a living spirituality sourcing from our shared purpose and abundance as spiritual beings,

a living spirituality sourcing from awakening to realities of our universe of energies,

a living spirituality sourcing from realizing the nature of our planetary spiritual collaborative,

a living spirituality sourcing from consciously stepping forward on our evolutionary paths,

a living spirituality sourcing from helping one another live our unique spirituality as a way of being.

The Spiritual Trust serves as a vitalizing center and commons of spiritual energies exploring, stewarding and bringing this new era of more liberated, enlivening spirituality into being for the wellbeing our interconnected lives, youth, communities, society, future and world.

“one of the greatest forces on Earth is our power to create and make choices based on self-initiated spiritual values”


Spiritual Trusteeship

Spiritual Ecology

Spiritual Research

Spiritual Education

Spiritual Culture

Our What:
Enlivening Spirituality As A Way Of Being

A Theory Of Being

We’re working on exploring, researching, designing and bringing a vibrant theory of being and framework of a living spirituality into abundant expression that serves as a uniting foundation and commons for our personal, societal and collective journeys of spiritual being.

Realizing the theory of spiritual being in our world revolves around the central idea and principle of abundant spiritual being through conscious stewardship of our living energies.

” we are abundant beings of living energy here to help one another realize our spiritual potential for the wellbeing of the world “

Personally, societally, globally, we’re being called to co-author the next chapter in our book of spirituality as living energies. This next chapter centers around freeing forth the energies of our spiritual realities, realizations, relations and resources into our many dimensions of living – civic, economic, social, political, environmental and cultural.

With our emerging spiritual energies come renewed sense of being, powerful visions, vitalized consciousness and transformative solutions to uplift one another, solve our challenges and transform our world for the better together.


Our Why:
5 Foundations Of Enlivening Spirituality

We’re collaborating around the idea that 5 universal spiritual energies, objectives and foundations hold the key to strengthening our spirituality, solving our societal challenges and building a more whole, loving and creative world that nourishes the spiritual potentials and path of every being.

Foundation 1 | Enlivening Our Energy of Spiritual Being

as spiritual beings for the wellbeing of all beings

Foundation 2 | Enlivening Our Energy of Pioneering Wholeness

as spiritual citizens of our emerging universe of living energies

Foundation 3 | Enlivening Our Energy of Cultivating Love

as spiritual stewards in kindredship with our spiritual commons

Foundation 4 | Enlivening Our Energy of Growing Enlightenment

as spiritual creators on our universal way of evolving together

Foundation 5 | Enlivening Our Energy of Abundant Livingness

as spiritual forces powering our shared story of individual, societal and universal good 

Our How:
12 Approaches & Works of Enlivening Spirituality

Strengthening The 12-Fold Heart Of Our Spirituality As A Way Of Being

1 | Spiritual Trusteeship


2 | Wisdom Realization


3 | Creative Interplay


4 | Existential Arts


5 | Energetic Sciences


6 | Healing Commons


7 | Generative Wealth

8 | Universal Design


9 | Natural Adventure

10 | Meditative Magic

11 | Mutual Relationships


12 | Interworldy Living


“we’re each spiritual co-creators here to author and steward our part of the universal story of spiritual being” 


Spiritual Leadership

Building The Spiritual Trust

dialogue and gatherings to strengthen our bonds of mutual trust as spiritual trustees and citizens of the world empowering the common ground of our diverse communities in collaboration with the forces of shared spirituality

Spiritual Research

Spiritual Ecology Of Earth

consultation, research and stewardship studying and stewarding for the diverse ecosystem of spiritual energies, forces and systems guiding and influencing the evolution and wellbeing of our lives, society and living Earth

spiritual solutions

Work Of The World Healers

powering the vital work of discovering, training, equipping, supporting and strengthening the missions of world healers in their noble, humble service of empowering the health and well-being of our evolving Humanity, Society and Earth 

spiritual solutions

Kindreship: Our Shared Mission

vitalizing, developing and sharing the universal idea and practice of kindredship as a central theme and guiding objective of our Humanity’s next chapter of evolving together as local, global and universal citizens

Spiritual Development

Building Spiritual Foundations

research and studies to develop fluency in the foundations and language of spiritual being and build a diverse culture of personal, societal and universal spirituality in our lives

Spiritual Solutions

Universal Vision, Wisdom and Design

custom leadership programs building the shared foundation and vision for a united, loving and co-creative world that nourishes the spiritual purpose, potential and path our individuality, enterprises and society

spiritual research

Energies Of Spirituality

a future-forward research initiative exploring, studying and building knowledge of the interdependent anatomy and workings of the spiritual history, ecosystem, consciousness and energies that inform, constitute and guide our sentient universe and future of spiritual being

spiritual research

Charting The Spiritual Design

pioneering research focused on building a body of unifying wisdom and resources to guide our way forward into our bright future centered on the principle that our Universe, our Earth and our Humanity are each living, evolving spiritual beings united by a shared spiritual purpose, plan and path of evolving together for the wellbeing of the whole

spiritual agency

The Spiritual Expedition

mentorship as spiritual beings through spiritual development, training  and service in cooperation with the cycles of our spiritual year, seasonal weeks of cooperation, 12 spiritual festivals and the emerging planetary energies of wholeness, love and enlightenment

spiritual research

Heart Of Spirituality

explorations and research into the perennial and present meaning, value and evolution of spiritual being and spirituality in our lives, society, fields of endeavor and living universe 

spiritual Practice

Sacred Salutation

exploration into and building the foundations of our common humanity and shared spirituality through the art, science and practice of sacred salutation as a way of being

spiritual research

Organs of Consciousness

research and studies in the vibratory nature, dynamics and mechanisms of consciousness informing our historical, cultural and planetary development

spiritual solutions

Healership For Humanity

pioneering the science and art of energetic ecology, healing, development and stewardship with living energies at scale to understand, harmonize and evolve the energies and forces shaping our humanity, living earth and bright future.

spiritual research

Externalization: Forces Of Love

research and consciousness-building to support the emerging spiritual commons and forces of love in our daily lives, interconnected communities and fields of endeavor

spiritual solutions

Spiritual Choicemaking

cultivating and strengthening spiritual values, consciousness and choicemaking in our personal lives and civic, economic, social and political fields of living

spiritual solutions

Spiritualizing Money

dialogue, studies and scientific meditations to uplift and spiritualize the energies of money as an essential force of good in our lives and world


spiritual research

The 12 Spiritual Festivals

meditative stewardship and studies of the impact of 12 spiritual energies and cyclic forces conditioning our planetary, societal and civic consciousness, development and progress

spiritual leadership

Path of Spiritual Being

intimate dialogue, explorations and studies on the universal and unique origins, relationships, initiations and expeditions of our great adventure of spiritual being


spiritual leadership

Patrons of The Spiritual Trust

a leadership initiative tasked with engaging one of the most foundational and essential forces of spiritual agency and service to liberate spirituality into the world and advance the work of love on Earth. Patrons are kindred spirits who recognize it is part of their spiritual purpose and calling to fund and support the mission of The Spiritual Trust.

spiritual leadership

Way of Spiritual Initiates

intimate convening, studies and meditation to develop spiritual agents, leaders and changemakers with skills in the science of stewarding spiritual energies and knowledge of our emerging energetic age of planetary evolution

Give To Fund

How Can You Help? Contribute To Enlivening Spirituality For Our Humanity & World

The Spiritual Trust is funded by caring citizens and endeavors who love our diverse humanity, are called to uplift the wellbeing of our Earth and value our mission of enlivening personal, societal and planetary spirituality as a way of being. 

We Ask You To Give Abundantly To Help Us Realize Our Mission!

We are each being called to do all we can, with the capacities we steward, to come together in this pivotal time for the healing and helping of one another, our diverse communities and our living Earth.

As our Humanity enters a new chapter of spiritual change, conscience and cooperation, the need for fueling spirituality in the heart of our lives is as great as ever.

We ask that you give abundantly in harmony with your financial means to help fund our mission and efforts of freeing forth the living energies of spirituality into our world.

Your giving contributes to fueling the heart of our mission and societal initiatives including:

Spiritual Ecology of Earth
Externalization of Love
The 12 Spiritual Festivals
Spiritualizing Money
Healership For Humanity
Spiritual Choicemaking

If you have questions about giving or you are deeply moved by our work and called to be a dedicated patron of The Spiritual Trust, please be in touch with us at

Thank you for your spiritual consciousness, care and contribution.

Kain | founding steward of The Spiritual Trust

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“the living energy of love is the spiritual balm we are yearning for in our hearts and society today” 

Be In Touch


Do you have a mission of enlivening spirituality to help build a more abundant, whole, loving, creative or harmonized world?

We invite you to be in touch to explore how we may help one another in our kindred missions of good for the wellbeing and bright future of our Lives, Humanity, & Living Earth.